
Stjepan Oresic, PhD student, U. Regina
  • PhD Thesis: (ongoing)
  • Advisors: Z. Papandreou, C. Fanelli
  • Topics:  Deep learning for deep inelastic scattering; machine learning for clusters reconstruction in calorimeters
  • Current position: PhD student, University of Regina 
Karthik Suresh, PhD student, U. Regina
  • PhD Thesis: (year 2022, to be defended)
  • Advisors: Z. Papandreou, C. Fanelli
  • Topic: working on spectroscopy for GlueX and AI-assisted design for EIC 
  • Current position: PhD student, University of Regina 
  • Publications: AI-assisted Optimization of the ECCE Tracking System at the Electron Ion Collider, C. Fanelli, Z. Papandreou, K. Suresh, et al., arXiv.2205.09185, accepted in Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research
Azizah Mahmood, MSc student, U. Regina
  • MSc Thesis: (year 2022/2023, to be defended)
  • Topic: Machine Learning for PID of electromagnetic showers at JEF experiment 
  • Advisors: Z. Papandreou, C. Fanelli
  • Current position: MSc student, Univesrity of Regina
  • Publication: “Artificial Intelligence for Imaging Cherenkov Detectors at the EIC.” C. Fanelli and A. Mahmood 2022 JINST 17 C07011
James Giroux, BSc, U. Regina
  • BSc Thesis: (year 2021, defended): A Novel Multi-Purpose Variational Clustering Architecture Applied to Neutron ID within the GlueX BCAL
  • Advisors: Z. Papandreou, C. Fanelli
  • Forthcoming position: PhD, Data Science, W&M
  • Completing: U. Ottawa, MSc. Applied AI
  • Publication: C. Fanelli, J. Giroux, and Z. Papandreou. “Flux+ Mutability: A Conditional Generative Approach to One-Class Classification and Anomaly Detection.” IOP, Machine Learning: Science and Technology (2022) 
Marco Diez, BSc, U. Studi Torino, MIT
  • BSc Thesis: (year 2020, defended) Porosity Optimization in Nanoporous materials via Machine Learning [link]
  • Advisors: G. Romano, C. Fanelli 
  • Current position: Industry     

Undergraduate Research Projects

Michael Martinez, Data Science, W&M, Deep Learning for Imaging Cherenkov Detectors (Spring 2024)
Lydia Danas (Physics/Data Science), William & Mary; PHYS 451, Physics Research; ML/DL for imaging Cherenkov detectors (Fall 2023/Spring 2024)
Luke Schleck (Data Science), William & Mary; Large Language Models for Physics (Spring 2024)
Rini Gupta (Data Science), William & Mary; Ind. Research in Data Science, DATA 490-04; Multi-objective Optimizaton of aerogel material reinforced with fibers (software stack based on Geant4 and Elmer) (Spring 2023)